
Flight simulator 2004
Flight simulator 2004

flight simulator 2004

if you are crap at anything and have to retake it, you don’t eat.

flight simulator 2004

The problem with real life is simple, £120 per hour fees - i.e. The reason I bought FS2002 was very specific I am a real life private pilot who was, at the time, training to do my instrument rating. You see, getting into an aeroplane simulator and flying straight and level for 6 hours just doesn’t rock my boat I would rather sit through the HollyOaks omnibus on a Sunday morning. To get one thing straight at the beginning - I bought my computer to play FS2002! Now don’t get me wrong, to my mind there is nothing enticing about a flight simulator unless you get to ripple bombs onto Nazi tank columns whilst dodging AAA and surface to air missiles. Verdict: Only Microsoft seem to continually support non-combat flight nowadays, though there are now a wealth of mods and it should be less than £45 on the street. The bad points: Price as usual if you’ve got last year’s, is this worth it? (Pocket-lint) - The good points: Pure non-combat flight, best graphics yet

Flight simulator 2004