Hobson gave up adventuring to go back to his love, Thora, while Beatrix and Casey went their separate ways to follow their own dreams despite being in love with each other still.
Sweet and Sour Grapes: Defying this trope is one of the big differences between Beatrix and Hobson. In the full release, this is a non-issue. Samus Is a Girl: In the alpha, the only way to know that you were playing a woman was checking your email (which wasn't necessary to play the game). Made of Iron: She can endure being stabbed, blown up, irradiated, burned, electrocuted, bitten, and drowned.and yet the worst that happens is that she's knocked out for a while. Human Popsicle: According to an email from her ex Casey, Beatrix was "asleep for a year" for the trip to The Far Far Range. Justified as her suit's life support system kicking in.
Healing Factor: She will regenerate quickly after a few moments of not getting damaged. In the full game, however, you can see her if you enter her home, or on the title screen. The Faceless: In the alpha build, her in-game model is just her arm and the vacpac. Besides her clever name, part of her Vacpack resembles a bee's abdomen, she can make her own bee-like drones to serve the ranch in her stead, and Mochi sometimes refers to her as a "worker bee." Animal Motifs: Bees, with their hard-working and exploratory nature. A young slime rancher who came light years away from earth to make her mark on the Far, Far Ranch.